SCEGGS Darlinghurst provides girls from Kindergarten to Year 12 with a foundation and passion for life-long learning and the opportunity to realise her potential. We aim for our girls to be confident, articulate, resilient young women, ready to take their place in an ever-changing world. We emphasise the worth of the individual, personal integrity and social responsibility.
At the core of a SCEGGS education, is its broad rigorous curriculum, a diverse co-curricular program and an integrated pastoral care program, all of which work together to provide a well-rounded educational experience for each of our girls.

Striving for excellence
As the girls grow and mature, they are challenged to strive for excellence and their personal best, reflect on their learning and take increasing responsibility for this knowledge. SCEGGS aims to develop girls who are confident, independent thinkers able to adapt and respond to the challenges throughout their lives.
Within an environment where the intellectual, spiritual, emotional and social development of each girl is affirmed and developed, individual needs are met, talents are nurtured and diversity of ideas are valued.